Welcome to St. Joseph Religious Education Program!
At St. Joseph’s parish, children learn their faith at home and in class together with their peers. They are formed in the truths and teachings of the Catholic faith that they may fulfill their baptismal call to worship God and serve others as members of the Catholic community.
We are following with care the guidance being offered by the Archdiocese of Washington Catechetical Office and State of Maryland for Prince Georges County as we plan for the 2024-2025 Religious Education Program year. We will provide a safe environment for your child to grow in his/her catholic faith. God bless you.
With much prayer, joy and hope we are pleased to offer “in-person” classes for grades K-HS,
Sunday mornings from 9:00am-10:15am, begins September 22.
Enrollment in the Religious Education program is required of all children and youth in the parish who attend public school or home school and are not attending a Catholic school.
There are sacramental classes for children and youth to receive special instruction to prepare them for First Penance, First Eucharist and or Confirmation.
Children in the Religious Education program are expected to attend Sunday Mass regularly with their families.
Registration can be completed by paper form. Forms are in the commons area of the church, in the Faith Formation Office or can be emailed upon request.
Online registration is available too! Click on the link at the bottom of the page.
For online take notice of a few things:
Please note, a child is not accepted into a class by the inability to make the required tuition fee.
Should the tuition fee be a hardship, please contact: Helene Stever, Director of Faith Formation at [email protected].
We are excited and blessed to have your family at St. Joseph!
2024 - 2025 Registration has begun. Deadline September 15
For more information, contact Helene Stever, 301-937-7183 x 418; [email protected]